Prague Ministerial Alliance

The Prague and Arlington churches are active participants in the Prague Ministerial Alliance.  The alliance holds monthly meetings (except during the summer) to discuss common issues.

Benevolence Fund

The Prague church coordinates the alliance's benevolence fund.  Residents of the Prague school district can recieve emergency assistance with rent, utilities, medicine or food expenses.  

Yearly Services

The alliance holds two annual worship services at which time an offering is taken for the benevolence fund.  An Easter service is held on the evening of Palm Sunday.  A Thanksgiving service is held on the Wednesday night, one week before Thanksgiving.  Services are rotated among churches in the community.  The alliance also hold an annual "National Day of Prayer" service as well as providing a preacher for the baccalaureate service.

Other events

The alliance gives out free bottles of water at the annual Kolache festival and holds craft booths at the Pumpkin Fest and Light the Park events.